What’s new with blind cop 2

Team Blind Cop,

It has been a while since I last updated you. I am sorry for the long hiatus. Though we were radio silent on this platform, the team and I were head down hard at work on the movie these past 2 years. There is so much I want to share with you so strap in.

Through self-founding the team and I were able to finish our bombastic third act action set piece along with key scenes that we weren't able to shoot during our initial production. This was done during a 2 week production block in August of 2021. We set out to top the footage from the first shoot and I'm happy to say we did.

Then in January 2022 the team and I met for a 9 day excursion to the remote mountains in Colorado with one sole purpose, to edit this bad boy. Our days were spent cutting together what we had and nights spent cuddling around the campfire telling tales of the olden days when action movies had balls. We left this trip with a feature length cut and we saw we had something special but we knew the film could be better.

After working our day jobs for a bit we got back together in May 2022 for pick up shots and to launch our Blind Cop 2 teaser

I then traveled to the big apple to meet with our editor Wisanu Risser in July 2022 to polish this piece of marble up.

We saved up our monies a bit more to hire some post production houses to really turn this into a legit movie. In February 2023 we went to Company 3 in Atlanta to work with our colorist Justin White. Justin is a pro and really helped bring out the beautiful look of this film.

Then in April 2023 the gang and I met up in NYC to do ADR at Parabolic NY with our sound designer Bennett Kerr. Bennett has been with us since our kickstarter trailer and has an incredible ear for making crafting a cinematic soundscape. 

Around this time we started submitting a work in progress print to a ton of genre film festivals.

In June 2023 I started working with our VFX supervisor Marcus Wei to supplement our on set practical effects and add some more carnage.

The movie was in a good spot but we still weren't completely satisfied. Could we do better? Could we really make the apex action movie? Yes we can...

...In August 2023 the lead actor, George Fearing, and I decided to really tie this film together into one ultimate piece by filming the origin story. We flew to Vietnam to shoot this sequence. The shoot was hell and we almost got eaten alive by mosquitoes and George had to run around with stitches in his foot but it was all worth it when we saw the new footage. We pretty much shot Blind Cop 1 and put it into Blind Cop 2.

That leads us up to this month where two major things happened. We held a test screening at Film Noir Cinema in Brooklyn NY to a packed crowd where we received a great reaction and got word that Blind Cop 2 got into its first film festival! The festival is called Another Hole in the Head and our film will be premiering virtually December 1st - 25th. 

We still have a bit more sound design to tweak but we plan on finishing this film and getting all the perks out by early 2024. Then we would like to submit to more genre festivals and get it into as many theaters as possible.

Thank you for being a part of this incredible ever evolving journey that is making a low budget action film. We really appreciate your love and support for this project and just want to make the best film possible for you guys.


Alec Bonk

P.S. Please follow Blind Cop 2 on instagram for updates.


When will Blind Cop 2 be released?